The Art of Saying No in Law
First Thoughts Blog

The Art of Saying No in Law

Being an attorney is a careful balancing act of case work, endless deadlines, client relations, professional networking and, if you are lucky, a steady stream

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5 Facts About Surety Bonds
First Thoughts Blog

5 Facts About Surety Bonds

Surety bonds are a reality of any legal practice, though there can be some confusion about how they work and the costs associated with them.

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Best Practices for Avoiding and Managing Unpaid Client Invoices for your law firm
First Thoughts Blog

Not Getting Paid Can Cost You

Imagine you helped a client navigate a complex case for more than a year, spending countless hours and late nights to complete background research and

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attorney suspensions are a reality in the business of law
First Thoughts Blog

The Realities of Suspension

In 2019, an American Bar Association revealed more than 2,000 lawyers were publicly disciplined in 43 states and the District of Columbia that year alone.

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